About Us

Love cooking.
Shallot Tarte Tatin

Mob is on a mission to instil a love of cooking in everyone, because we believe in the positive impact that it can have on people’s lives. On their physical health, their mental wellbeing and on their bank balance. We believe that like exercising, listening to your favourite music, spending time with friends and family, cooking can be transformative. This is why we do what we do. It informs all of the content we shoot, the recipes we develop and the features we build.

We want to create a world of people who love cooking, aiming to inspire and educate our audience of millions through high-quality content and connecting people through what they love the most: food. Our bread and butter is bread and butter – simple, yet delicious, recipes that you’ll actually cook at home.

There are 3 principles on which Mob is based:


We create all our recipes with this discovery principle at the very heart of the process - developing dishes that will allow you to broaden your culinary horizons, and become the best home-cook you can be.

We have a vast library of recipes, for all occasions, meaning you can discover new dishes and new cuisines to your heart’s content.


Rather than just show you quick recipe videos, we actually want to imbue you with the skills and know-how to be able to cook a dish, without a recipe. For us, the ultimate goal is that you are able to stand in a kitchen, with your friends and family, music on in the background, and cook a dish with the ingredients you have to hand. To try and test new things, to experiment. Because that is what the joy of cooking really is. It is an expression. But in order to enter into that state, you need to understand the basics. How to make a sauce. How to grill a piece of fish. Or make the perfect steamed rice. We are here to teach you these skills and show you the way.


Once you’ve found the dish you want to make, and you’ve got some of the skills to make it, all that is left is getting to it and cooking. We are constantly developing and releasing new tools that make the cooking and planning process as seamless as it can be.

So, there it is. We are Mob, and we are here to bring the joy of cooking into your lives.